Monday, January 13, 2025


The NYSAA is a non-profit organization composed of people interested in various phases of archaeology in New York State.  Founded in 1916 and chartered in 1927 by the Board of Regents of the State of New York, NYSAA is composed of 16 chapters and a world-wide membership-at-large. All who are devoted to historic and pre-historic archaeology are invited to join.

New York State Archaeology Association Chapter Map

Current Officers

President: Sherene Baugher

Vice-President: David Moyer

Secretary: Gail Merian

Treasurer: Ann Morton

Committees and Chairs

Bulletin Editor: Roger Moeller

Assistant Editor: Ammie Chittim

Newsletter Editor: David Moyer

Awards and Fellowships: Peter Pratt and Jon Lothrop

Special Appointees

ESAF Representative: Tim Abel

NYAC Representative: Ann Morton

PANYC Representative: Diana Wall

Funk Foundation Representative: Paul Huey

Archives: Lori Blair

Facebook: Tim Abel

Website: Marie-Lorraine Pipes


Chapters are composed of persons who may participate on four levels of archaeology:
investigation, excavation, interpretation, and publication. Join a local chapter to participate in excavations and archaeological activities close to your home.

Many of the NYSAA maintain their own websites. Those that do can be reached by following the links.

Chapter Locations

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