Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Adirondack Chapter

New York State Archaeological Association

Adirondack Chapter Logo NYSAA

Founded in 1992 in Fort Edward, New York
Our chapter has a general group email now:
Public inquiries should be addressed to this email.

Chapter Officers

President: Maureen Folk

Vice President:  John Strough

Secretary:   Liz Barbieri

Treasurer: Darci Giaotti-Grubbs

Newsletter Editor:   Liz Barbieri

Meeting Time

Meetings are generally held the third Friday of the month at 7:00 PM. An informative lecture is followed by refreshments and the business meeting. Meetings are also available live through Zoom.  Formal gatherings are generally not held in April due to the NYSAA Annual Conference, July and August due to the chapter picnic/excavation schedule, or December as it is our annual Holiday Party.

Meeting Location

We hold our gatherings at the Rogers Island Visitors Center, Fort Edward, New York.  Address: 11 Rogers Island Drive, Fort Edward, NY 12828 


The NYSAA Adirondack Chapter Newsletter is published monthly in digital format. Submission deadline is the 25th of each month. The newsletter is emailed the first week of the month.


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