Wednesday, November 27, 2024

NYAC Officers

New York Archaeological Council

Current Board

NYAC is governed by a set of bylaws and a board consisting of Executive Officers and Board members.
New York Archaeological Council Officers - Artifact Sifting

  • President:  Carol S. Weed  Email
  • Vice-president: Joe Diamond  Email
  • Secretary: Dan Mazeau    Email
  • Treasurer:  Ann Morton  Email

Board Members


The New York Archaeological Council is committed to its mission of advancing archaeological research, archaeological site preservation and engagement with the archaeological community.  To achieve these goals, NYAC is seeking members to serve on active committees and working groups. Many of these committees and groups have ongoing projects that are of particular importance to archaeologists in New York State. The outcome of these projects will provide valuable resources to both professional and avocational archaeologists.

If you are interested in becoming a committee chair or member, please contact Beth Selig ( or the listed committee chair.  You do not have to be a NYAC officer or board member to chair or be a committee member.  We would appreciate any suggestions or information about committees and statements of purpose. If you were formerly involved in any listed or unlisted NYAC committee, and want to continue involvement with that committee, please alert us! If you have a project that you would like to create an ad hoc committee or working group for, please don’t hesitate to contact Beth Selig.

2021 Current NYAC Committees

Advocacy Committee: Ongoing support efforts for preserving archaeological sites, collections and historic preservation initiatives within New York State. The member(s) serve as liaison with the American Archaeology Council of Councils.

Currently seeking a committee chair & members.

NYAC Archives:

Maintains and curates NYAC Records as well as artifact collections associated with NYAC

archaeological investigations. This committee oversees the proveniencing and cataloging of the NYAC records.

Committee Chair: M. L. Pipes (

Members of the committee:

Archaeology Season:

This annual event includes posters and video competitions that promote archaeology in New York State. The participants in this committee change annually. The archaeology poster will alternate with the video or electronic productions at the discretion of the NYAC Board.

2020 Committee Chair: Patrick Heaton (

Currently seeking a 2021-2022 committee chair.

Members of the committee:

Awards Committee (includes Founders Award):

The Awards Committee reviews submissions for the Student Awards (Paper & Poster Competition), as well as reviews nominations for the Founder’s Award.

Committee Chair: Nina Versaggi (

Members of the committee:

Collections Committee:

Oversee and provide guidance for collections held at repositories throughout the state.

Currently seeking a committee chair and members.

 *2021 Working Group (Ad Hoc), Curation Facilities Accepting CRM-generated Artifacts: The goal of this working group is to identify curation facilities that will accept CRM-generated artifact collections from private land when the landowner does not want to retain the artifacts.  In many instances, these artifacts are from archaeological sites that were not determined significant under Section 106 criteria.  Allison McGovern and Carol Weed are focusing their efforts on identifying curation facilities in the lower Hudson River and Long Island subareas but similar efforts may be needed for other subareas of New York as well.  They will report their results at either the Fall 2021 NYAC meeting or the Spring 2022 NYAC/NYSAA Spring meeting.

Subcommittee co-Chairs: Allison McGovern ( and Carol Weed (

Members of the Subcommittee: 

Culling Committee (Ad Hoc):

This committee is working to develop culling standards for New York State

artifact assemblages and collections management.

Committee Chair: Vivian James (

Members of the committee:

Communications Committee:

Works to communicate pertinent NYAC information to the membership and subscriber list via the NYAC website and email list. In addition, the members of this committee are working to enhance the NYAC presence within social media platforms.

Committee Chair: Joe Diamond (

Members of the committee:  Patrick Heaton ( and Daria Merwin (

Professional Development and Continuing Education: Promotes continuing archaeology training and education at all levels through educational workshops, seminars, and in-field practicums. Educational workshops and topics are proposed on an annual basis.

Committee Co-Chair: Dave Staley (

Co-Chair: Beth Selig

Members of the committee:

Human Remains & Unmarked Burial Sites:

The purpose of this committee is to ensure compliance with the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, for all Native American human remains and burials. In addition, the committee provides guidance with regard to disposition of non-Native American human remains and burials. This committee is currently reviewing and engaging with the New York State Legislature and THPOs to establish laws that protect unmarked burial sites.

Committee Co-Chair: Lisa Anderson (

Co-Chair: David Witt (

Members of the committee:

Newsletter Committee:

The annual newsletter includes submissions and dissemination of information pertaining to new events in New York State archaeology.

Committee Chair: Laurie Miroff (

Members of the committee:

Standards Committee: 

This committee reviews the standards and best practices for archaeological investigation within New York State. The tasks are subdivided, to include members devoted to Urban Standards and Geomorphology.

Committee Chair: Nina Versaggi

Urban Archaeology Committee Chair: Linda Stone (

*2021 Working Group (Ad Hoc), Indigenous Nomenclature Guidance:

The goal of this working group  is to create a guidance document for culturally appropriate language use in CRM Reports and other NY Archaeology publications.  The working group is currently conducting research into guidance afforded on this topic by SHPOs, THPOs, and other agencies.  The research will form the basis for the development of a list of commonly used archaeological words (for example, prehistoric) that have been identified as culturally insensitive and their recommended substitutions.  Eventually the subcommittee hopes to present its conclusions and recommendations in a seminar.

Subcommittee Chair: Beth Selig

Members of the Subcommittee:  Allison McGovern, Linda Stone, Kate Whalen, Carol Weed, Dave Witt

Funk Foundation & Student Grants:

The Funk Foundation grants support archaeological research conducted in New York State or on archaeological collections from New York State.

Committee Chair: Ed Curtin (

Native American Engagement Committee: 

The Engagement Committee works with the Tribal Historic Preservation Officers to improve working relationships between Tribal Members and Practicing Archaeologists.  This committee also works to bring awareness to outdated practices regarding Native American sacred sites and artifact assemblages.

Committee Chair: Doug Perrelli (

Members of the committee: Pat Heaton (, Nina Versaggi, , David Witt. 

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