November 5-7, 2021
Dear NYSAA and NYAC Members:
The 88th Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archeological Federation is fast approaching, and will be held Friday through Sunday, November 5-7, 2021, live streamed on Zoom in a virtual format.
- On Friday, ESAF members are invited to attend the general business meeting, via Zoom:
- The meeting program (see attached) includes two general sessions of paper presentations, on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
- Saturday afternoon features a session titled “Paleoindian Lifeways in the Northeast, 13,000 to 10,000 years BP,” organized by Zachary Singer and David Leslie.
- At 7 PM on Saturday evening, November 6, we are very excited to host Dr. Jennifer Birch from the University of Georgia, who will present on her topic, “Turning Chronologies into Chronicles: Refined Radiocarbon Dating in Northeastern Archaeology.”
- And at 8:30 PM on Saturday, we’ll host the traditional Canadian-American Friendship Party (BYOB!).
The 88th Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation
ESAF Program & Abstracts (197.5 KiB)
Register with PayPal
PayPal registration has been extended through Saturday, November 6, 2021, and it’s a steal! $15 for general registrants and $10 for students. Please go to the ESAF website link for the annual meeting at
– After registering, you will be sent a Zoom link to attend.
Looking forward to seeing you virtually!